SatLab Geobiz Solutions 2.0 (SGS 2.0) is an integrated office software that incorporates modules such as GNSS, RTK, Total Station, UAV, etc. It eliminates the hassle of switching data between different types of processing software, simplifies the workflow, and improves data processing efficiency. SGS 2.0 is very suitable for processing data collected from multiple types of surveying products within the same project.
With a reliable, faster, and more accurate algorithm, SGS2.0 supports batch processing of more than 100 baselines of GPS, GLONASS, Beidou, and Galileo static data with a predefined coordinate system and multiple manufacturer antennas.
No more hassle of importing and exporting between different software. Be compatible with software data from different vendors. With SGS 2.0, you can seamlessly process a wide range of data, including GNSS static data, RTK data, total station data, Road file, DTM, base map, and more.
SGS2.0 offers an extensive toolset, including coordinate and RINEX converters, angular, distance, and various COGO calculation tools, GNSS antenna managers, and GNSS observation les merging.